Made by stamping, milling, welding process, surface KTL treated. Automotive custom made parts. Custom made supportor product, Auwell has rich experience in utilizing optimized process to produce the quality product at competitive price.
Tento strešný konzolový dok je odolný a má navyše zváranú rebrovú dosku. Je približne o 30% silnejší ako tradičné konzoly pevnej strechy.
Made by stamping, welding process, surface KTL treated. Automotive custom made parts. Custom made hose holder product, Auwell has rich experience in utilizing optimized process to produce the quality product at competitive price.
Tento strešný nastaviteľný dok je ťažký strešný držiak na lešenie s kľukou nastaviteľnou od 18 do 90 stupňov, testované zaťaženie 3 000 libier.
Made by stamping, welding process, surface KTL treated. Automotive custom made parts. Custom made chair base adjustor product, Auwell has rich experience in utilizing optimized process to produce the quality product at competitive price.
This Roof Harness Dock is reuseable roof anchor provides roofers with secure access to most pitiched roofs.